Sunday, March 23, 2008


I can't believe it actually snowed here on Easter. The snow didn't stick but it was pretty strange to see. I wish it would warm up - I have Spring Fever big time!

I am officially 13 weeks now! It feels so good to be done with the first trimester. Now if only I could stop puking. Does anyone else seem to get sick after taking prenatal vitamins? I have tried taking them at different times of the day, with food, etc. and nothing seems to work. I've starting taking flin.stone vitamins to at least get some folic acid. I will be calling my doctor tomorrow morning to see about getting a different prescription - maybe that will help.

I made my appointment for the gender ultrasound. It is scheduled for May 12. My mom is going to fly up for it since B will still be deployed. I don't know how I am going to hold out until then without having an ultrasound. I am so used to seeing our little one now. I hope that between now and then my doctor will be able to find the heartbeat using the doppler - tilted uterus and all!


Katie said...

I'm not gonna lie. It's a LONG wait. I still have one more week to go and it's killing me! BUT my OB's nurse has been great about letting me have a heartbeat check, which goes a long way to soothing this nervous Mama!

Congrats on the second trimester!

Jen said...

Hooray on the 13 week mark! I'm totally with you on the long wait for the next u/s though. Mine is May 15th. Lots of gals rent a doppler to help, but I refuse too. I don't need anything contributing to my paranoia, LOL!

Courtney said...

Congratulations on the 2nd trimester milestone!!! It does feel so good to get past that particular hump.

*I always take my vitamin at night before bed and I have never had a problem.

Adriane said...

Wow - 13 weeks already!!! That is awesome. I never did puke, though I was constantly nauseous. I am now 16w2d and my nausea is all but disappeared. I had some yesterday, but that could have been because of all the delectable things I shoved down my throat. :-)

May 12 does seem so far away. UGH!! Hope the time flies by!

Duchess said...

Congrats on escaping the first trimester! I gave up the prenatal and just take over the counter folic acid.

RBandRC said...

YAY for 13 weeks! The wait will suck at times, but I promise that once you get to that point, it will seem like it was just yesterday. Hope things continue to go beautifully! HUGS!

Geohde said...

I quite regularly half-puke mine back up- as soon as feel the darn thing on the back of my throat.

I never can figure out whether to get a fresh tablet or just swallow. Foul, but after a trimester and a half it's a lotta extra vitamins...


Katie said...

Where are you, Laura?

Missing you and hoping all is okay!