Saturday, November 24, 2007

I should start off by saying that I started my period on Tuesday. Sucked big time! I was able to get to the RE's office on Monday for bloodwork, which of course came back negative. I feel like such a dumbass taking the wrong freaking test! Oh well, I am blaming our tiny dark bathroom for the mix-up and not myself. :) I wish I didn't wake B up to show him though. Now he will never believe another pregnancy test - even though I tried explaining the mix-up to him.

I did get to talk with my RE on Tuesday. He wants me to do at least another round of just the Femara and then try an IUI when I am ready. Now that B will be deploying in April, I am definitely ready to try the IUI sooner rather than later.

I started taking the Femera last night - damn the hot flashes are bad this time. We actually had our window open (in Boston!) last night and it was still too hot for me. I am even sweating now! Hopefully it won't be too bad for our 14 hour car ride home. Yikes!

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving! I can't wait to catch up on all my blogs.


Anonymous said...

I hope the hot flashes settle down a bit. Wishing you lots of good luck for this cycle!! Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

Meghan said...

Hot flashes just suck! Have a safe drive and good luck this cycle!

RBandRC said...

I'm sorry AF showed. And I'm with you on the Femara-induced hot flashes. NOT FUN!!!

Hope you're feeling better! :)

Courtney said...

I'm so sorry that you had to deal with AF this cycle. Good luck with the meds and I hope that this cycle is all that you will need!

Katie said...

Yeah, the Femera hot flashes suck. I found that my body got more used to the medications by the third round. Here's hoping cooler days come soon!

Katie said...

Where are you?

Anonymous said...

Knock knock... Just seeing how things are going.