Thursday, January 24, 2008

A good day

Yay! My beta doubled – actually slightly more than doubled – to 437. According to BetaBase my doubling time was 43.79 hours. I am so excited! I go in for another beta test on Wednesday, 1/30. How am I going to wait that long?!

It was so hard to focus on work today while waiting to hear the results. Now that I have the results, I am too excited to work. I am still cautious, but it is hard for me not to be really optimistic - I’ve never gotten this far before!

B is very excited too. I told him on the phone Tuesday night - and while I was disappointed I didn’t get to see his face, it really was wonderful to hear the excitement in his voice. He has been going back and forth between cautioning me about getting my hopes up too much and talking excitedly about the future. I love seeing him this happy!

Now I am going to try to motivate myself to get something done today.


Meghan said...

YEAH!!! That is wondeful news! Congrats

K @ ourboxofrain said...

That's phenomenal news! Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo again! This is the most fantastic news of my day! :)

Denise said...

That's so exciting! Here's hoping time flies until your next beta!

Waiting Amy said...

That is so great! Enjoy this moment!

The next weeks, the waiting will be tough. Try to just focus on one step at a time. And be happy!

Soapchick said...

Congratulations! Best wishes!

Adriane said...

Awesome news! I bet you are so very excited! It will be a long wait until next Wed, but you can do it! Congrats!

RBandRC said...

YAY! Congratulations!

Joannah said...

I'm so happy that someone got some good news today! Congratulations!!!


Jen said...

Congrats on the doubling beta! Unfortunately I have no good advice on the waiting. I'm just trying to find ways to enjoy each day so that time flies by faster!

Nadine said...

Doubling that's great!!!

Rebecca said...

This is great - congratulations!

Katie said...

Wow! This is fantastic news - I am so happy for you! When is that ultrasound?!?!