Monday, July 13, 2009


Thanks for the concern - I really appreciate the support. I started bleeding yesterday afternoon. The ob's office called today to tell me that the pregnancy is not viable. After finding out I already started bleeding they asked me to come in later this week for another blood test to make sure my number goes back to zero. Awesome.


Anonymous said...

I'm so, so sorry sweetie. ((hugs))

Chastity said...

:( I am so, so sorry.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. I hate this. :( *hugs*

Blondie said...

So sorry -- the only thing I can imagine being harder than not being able to get pregnant is what you're going through. What a rollercoaster. Keep your chin up! Thanks for blogging, it's nice to find others going through the same things that I am.

Katie said...

I am so sorry. I have also had another loss since Will was born. It's funny how it is easier in some ways (at least you still have your little one) and harder in others (now you REALLY know what you are losing). I am thinking of you.