Friday, December 14, 2007

10 DPO

I am a bad, bad blogger. I am giving myself an F for the month of December. I have been working late almost every night (year-end sucks in most finance departments). When I get home, the last thing I feel like doing is getting back on a computer. But I promise to do better.

Today is 10 DPO. I don’t think our chances are very good this month. I was out of town on business for several days – coming home on ovulation day. I know we are supposed to do it the next night too, but B made me so mad that night I didn’t even want to look at him. He was just joking around but he didn’t pick up on the fact that he was hurting my feelings until way too late. It really wasn’t a big deal, just very bad timing.

I talked to my RE at the beginning of this cycle and we decided that if this one didn’t work we will try an IUI in January. I am glad he understands our situation – with B deploying in April – and allows me to be as aggressive with our approach as I want.

So now we just wait and see. There is so much to keep me busy with work and the holidays that I am not paying too much attention to my 2ww. Hopefully this continues!


Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm glad you're back! I was thinking about ya wondering what happened, and I'm glad it wasn't anything serious. :)

Sounds like the IUI is a good plan for you guys since B will be gone in thte spring.

Good luck w/ year end stuff! :)

In Search of Morning Sickness said...

That's ok, it's nice to just get an update from you even!
Definitely do the January IUI if this doesn't work... I'm curious how much he'll charge you... And if they'll try to bill it to Tricare anyway, to see if they'll cover anything (sometimes it happens!). Ours quotes us $1000 flat plus meds.

Anyway, nice to hear from you!

Katie said...

So glad to hear from you - I was getting worried!

Good luck with getting the year wrapped up! On to bigger and better things in 2008!

Courtney said...

I seriously hope that you have to look no further than this cycle, but having the IUI as a back up for January sounds like an excellent plan!