Saturday, January 16, 2010


My husband left for Haiti today. He was told to expect to be gone about a month. The call came at 2 am this morning that he was going. He does have a satellite phone so I hope to be able to talk to him at least a little. The devastation there is heartbreaking. I am really proud of him for going, but also a little scared for him of what he is going to see.

My ultrasound is scheduled for Friday afternoon. My mom is flying into town for it. We had not planned on telling anyone until after we heard the heartbeat, but neither of us wanted me to be alone for the ultrasound. My mom is thrilled for us and happy to come into town to play with Grace.

Queasiness set in on Friday. It comes and goes – worse in the mornings and at night. So far I haven’t gotten sick, but I am sure it is coming. I started throwing up around 7 weeks with Grace. I am a little over 6 weeks now.


Jo said...

Hugs to you and your husband during this trying time. Hope all is well next week, and the time flies quickly by.


Amanda said...

I'm praying for your husband's safe return.

I'm also praying for a wonderfully uneventful ultrasound filled with the beautiful sounds of a beating heart!

American Phil said...

love the blog. thanks! follow mine if you get a chance!

Katie said...

Hugs to you with your husband being away. You are strong woman.

Hoping all went well with the u/s. Update when you can.