Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Beta # 3

My third beta on Friday was 1124! Since I don't know when I ovulated it is hard to compare my numbers to my pregnancy with Grace or websites like beta base. The good news is that it doubled again! My ultrasound scheduled for next Thursday. I know the days are going to drag out until then!

No pregnancy symptoms yet, but I have a really bad pain in my low back on the left side - sort of near my kidney. It throbs a bit when I sit down but when I stand up it takes my breath away and I limp for the first few steps. I googled signs of an eptopic and it doesn’t sound like that. I have a call into my RE’s office. I am sure it is nothing but anything out of the ordinary, especially in early pregnancy, scares the crap out of me.


I_Sell_Books said...

I'm guessing it's either a kidney stone or a twisted ovary, either of which are as painful as heck.

Great news on the beta!

Courtney said...

I am late in wishing you congratulations, but...

I'm so happy to hear this wonderful news, and to hear that your betas are climbing nicely. :)